NFL 2nd Half Single Elimination Survivor Pool Rules:

Starting week 8, each contestant is to pick one team to win each week. That team MUST win, a tie is the same as a loss. You cannot pick the same  more than once. A contestant is eliminated when he/she loses one game. Starting at week 15, anyone left has to pick 2 teams. If there is no winner by week 17, anyone left has to pick 3 teams but one can be a team that has already been picked. If all remaining contestants are eliminated in the same week, they all come back. If this happens during week 15-17, then the pool is over. The player(s) with the most amount of wins, gets the pot (or splits if it's more than 1). Thursday/Saturday games have to be picked before kickoff, all other games have to be picked before 12:30 PM Sunday.

Click here to see the double elimination pool