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NFL Double Elimination Survivor Pool Rules:

Each contestant is to pick one team to win each week. That team MUST win, a tie is the same as a loss. You cannot pick the same  more than once. A contestant is eliminated when he/she loses two games. Starting at week 15, anyone left has to pick 2 teams. If there is no winner by week 17, anyone left has to pick 3 teams but one can be a team that has already been picked. If all remaining contestants are eliminated in the same week, they all come back. If this happens during week 15-17, then the pool is over. The player(s) with the most amount of wins, gets the pot (or splits if it's more than 1). Since starting at week 15 there are multiple picks, there is a chance that one team could lose its second game of the year while another team loses its second and third games. In this case the team that only lost 2 total games is the winner.Thursday/Saturday games have to be picked before kickoff, all other games have to be picked before 12:30 PM Sunday.A player can join week 2, but is penalized with a loss.